Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Work Area Makeover

I promise that I will be posting about new craft projects when I am able to get everything back to normal with my work space. I have had to move everything to a new location, which yes is better for me, but alot of work getting it done. So as soon as everything is done I will start posting my, hopefully, creative work.

Getting Back To The Pace Of Life

Well, everything is getting back to normal for me. Since last Tuesday, things have been non stop with getting everything done for my Grandpa's funeral and helping my Dad. It's now Wednesday of this week and I am finally caught up with home and work.

The funeral was wonderful. My cousin Rick did a wonderful job.
It just makes you look at yourself and were you stand in your life when you lose someone.
I thank God that he has blessed me in so many ways.
Until next time.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Grandpa

Today, I lost a special person in my life that I will never forget. My Grandpa.
He is my father's father.
He was a man who had alot of character and loved his family very much.
Growing up, he had a very hard life and taught us all how to be survivers. He was a man that could still drive his car and live as an independent person. He lived to be 97 years old and went to be with the Lord on April 22, 2009, in his sleep.
Thank you Grandpa for being the man you were (you are).
Cleo Fifer
3/17/1912 TO 4/22/2009
This is the last picture that was taken of him with some of his Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren. We always have a family reunion in March to celebrate my Grandpa's Birthday.
Thank you Grandpa for giving us all life.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bunco Night

Friday night was Bunco Night. All the crazy women in my life (well most of them) and me get together once a month to play Bunco and yes drink a little, but most important have a great time without are men..... So I thought I would share some pictures with you.
NOTE: All these women were fair warned that I was going to post some pictures....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Birthday

Well, I did it. I turned the big 40 on April 6th. There is a part of me that is happy, partly because if I hadn't turned 40 then I would not be here writing this post. Then there is the part that I feel as if something is missing, you know like my YOUTH. Everyone tells me that you are only as old as you feel. I realize that, but it still doesn't give me back my 20's. You know, when nothing has fallen to the floor and the lines on the face aren't there? Don't get me wrong, I am glad that 40 has arrived for me in a way that I can say that knowledge is the one thing that I am very grateful for. I have learned alot and still have alot to learn. I know that I do have one thing going for me, that is I don't act my age.
Thanks to my husband, Lance, my sister, Jacque, and Doug, my brother-n-law, I had a surprise birthday party. Alot of people turned out for my wonderful 40th event. I just want to say thank you to all who love me...