Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Diet Tribe

Okay, so my sister and I have started a Diet Tribe in our home town. That is were several women come together and support each other while we are trying to lose that fat off of our bodies. We had our first meeting the first Monday in January. Everything went really well and the 10 ladies that join seems to be really pumped up and ready to start losing weight. We thought when we started this that we would only have a turn out of maybe 8 people including us. Well, we just had our 3rd meeting and we are up to 18 ladies. I have to say I am really proud of everyone in it. Everyone has lost around 5 to 10 pounds and are really sticking to the goal. Way to go girls!!!! As for me, I've lost 2 pounds. That's IT!!!! I will do better I promise!

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